The Lazy Swordmaster
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The Lazy Swordmaster


Status : Ongoing

Genres : Action , Adventure , Drama , Fantasy , Manhwa , Supernatural

Chapters: 126

Last update: 3 months ago

35 votes
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The Lazy Swordmaster manhwa, He is a warrior who was chosen by the Holy Sword regardless of his will for the sake of mankind, but he became tired of living for others. Out of salvation, he defeated the last enemy, the Demon King, and decided to die. In order to relieve the burden of being a warrior and a master of the holy sword, he was going to give up on his life and fall into eternal rest "Oh!! It seems like the young master wishes to grab the sword as soon as possible!!" "Count! Look at the master! He must have already shown interest in swords!!" The youngest son of a master swordsman who gave up his life to escape the sword was reincarnated!? "I'd rather die again!!"

Loony_moony 5 months ago Kinda bad
For this type of manga it is axpected that it will have the usula point in trama but g** gracious how slow it is the story till the found out of his past.

It give me itches the fact thta this poor mc have such people with him that must give him advice and obligate him to use the sword.
And even the protagonist is such a "hero" that HAVE to help anyone.

Give this poor wendy syndrome some help and rest
AJ22 8 months ago Sucks big time
good at the beginning but fast on a downhill on chapter is suffering ptsd and trauma which kinda blows all the goodness that were there at the beginning..from OP into depress gone from brilliant to  r e t a r d..f u c k  you korean author🖕🖕🖕
Maha a year ago Sucks big time
For mangabuddy mixing n skipping chapters
reaper 8 months ago
see now this affects the manhwa itself remove it or sum

Don't come crying to me

Buddymanga a year ago Rocks
Ivern a year ago Meh
Nuh uh. Nope. This isn't it. Gotta try again. I don't usually like to trash stuff. Well, I like to trash-talk you people, but not really mangas. There are two reasons for that: the general rating standards for this site are rather generous, so I adapted to that, helping myself with the Ivern Scale™️... and it's not great to demean people's efforts gratuitously. 

But I gotta draw a line sometimes. So this is a 3 stars, but on a low end of them. It's a 6+ on the Ivern Scale. Why? Ooooooh boy. Here we go.

Art? No. Style is too cartoony, to begin with, but the quality itself is also low.

Writing? Dear g** help us withstanding it. The translation adds insult to injury. In a word, worthless. 

The action? It commits the worst sin a shonen can commit: being mediocre and boring, but inoffensive. Worse than luckwarm, actively sleep inducing. MC is very powerful. He swings sword very very hard yo. People die when he flails the thing, y'know. That's it. 

Characterization? See, that's where I get disappointed. A lazy (read: PTSD-ridden) ex savior who tries to escape another god**** hero journey? Yes please! But the fuc**** execution is so fuc**** plain I can't even consider it an attempt. Again, with the "victim girl learns to live for herself" trope too: it could be mad interesting, and it is wasted. I genuinely like Riley's relationship with his mother, but once again it's more like the idea of it. Not what I actually got.

It's all very clumsy. It's a mixed reccomendation from yours truly. Passable, I'd guess, but only as a last resort if you have read literally everything else in the genre. Even then, good luck.
not telling my name a year ago
this is the first time I ever came across the actual honest review in mangabuddy. Might as well fry my brain more.
I seems to be attracted to chaotic and cracked half-assed comics.

what's my name, you ask? My name is not telling my name

Ivern a year ago
@not telling my name there's honestly some proper fun ones in the chaotic and cracked half-assed category. This one isn't included among those, I'm afraid. But try it. See if it clicks.

Review legend: GAI🏅= READ IT | 5✴️ = Good read | 4✴️ = 'tis fine | 3✴️= on the verge of being shockingly okay | 2✴️ abysmal | 1✴️ = READ IT (your pain sustains me)

Amxy 2 years ago Pretty good
Another action reborn type thing it was pretty interesting at first but it kinda got a bit boring to me later in the chapters it was like one of those long action manwha feels like it keeps dragging o
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